Zydot - Tips for a good result
Every day we absorb toxins into our body through our skin, the air we breathe and the food we eat. Our organism has routines and organs that take care of cleaning our system. Mainly our kidneys and liver are responsible for this. However, depending on our lifestyle, we often do not support this process enough and harmful substances accumulate in our body. Here are a few tips on how Zydot can support the detoxification process.
Stay hydrated
To flush toxins from the body, water is indispensable. As a rule, two to three liters of water per day are recommended. Especially in the days before you want to use Zydot, you should pay attention to your water balance. This will start the cleansing process and it will contribute significantly to the detoxification process.
Enjoy every meal
Abstaining from meals does not enforce the cleansing process. Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. The food should be rich in protein and low in salt. A few hours before drinking the Zydot, only a light meal should be enjoyed.
Pee three times, please
One hour after drinking Zydot Euro Blend, the bladder should be emptied at least three times to flush the toxins out of the system
Timing – The best time
After four to five hours, the cleaning effect weakens. Therefore, in the first half, the results show less toxins.
A sample should be taken from the midstream. The first and last urine should be avoided when taking the sample.
4-5 hours after getting up
To achieve the best possible result, Zydot Euro Blend should be consumed four to five hours after getting up. The body regulates its own cleansing process overnight and deposits toxins mostly in the kidneys and bladder. The first urine after getting up is usually the most impure of the day. If the bladder is then emptied two or three more times within three hours, the purity of the urine increases. This is the best basis for Zydot to be as effective as possible.
Factors to be avoided
The following substances and foods should be avoided for one to two days before using Zydot: Non-prescribed medications,drugs and other toxins, alcohol, acidic and salty liquids and foods, large amounts of vitamins, dietary supplements.